
I'm José

My name is José Felisberto and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Viseu, Portugal and I just finished my Bachelors on Informatics and Computation Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto. This is my personal portfolio, to showcase my academic path, skills, personal projects and overall interests.



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Mobile app developed in the context of a curricular internship for Projeto Integrador @ FEUP.

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Remake of Data Structures & Algorithms Project, 2022/23 @ FEUP.

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Arcade game developed in the scope of Software Design & Test Labs, 2023/24 @ FEUP.

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Personal web portfolio to showcase academic path, skills and interests.


Overall, I'm just trying to keep all doors open, as I'm still not sure in what area I should focus on. For now, the goal is to take a Masters to continue in this environment while discovering what suits me the best.

However, I'm really keen on exploring the field of automation, specially where it intersects with informatics. Infotainment system development and autonomous driving are two subjects I would like to know more about in the future.